Friday, December 03, 2004

Closed Hearts, Closed Minds, Closed Doors

Just what am I missing here?

What part of the United Methodist Church's "Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors" campaign doesn't exactly jive with its decision to defrock a lesbian pastor?

In a way, I live in a bubble. I live in an urban enclave, attend a liberal Christian church, study at a (mostly) progressive seminary, and am surrounded by people for whom Christian behavior is based on love and compassion, not following a moral/legal code based upon specific sociocultural (read: ancient Hebrew and Greco-Roman) understandings of human nature and biology. "Homosexuality" just isn't an issue for us.

Then I look around at what other self-identified Christians do -- obsessively focus on other people's sexuality (I think that qualifies as voyeurism), ignore the poor, bomb other nations, and all I can say is, What happened to Jesus? Where is Christ in this?

Then I remember: I'm in a blue state. Today, a very, very blue state.


Blogger derekjmd said...

Wanna go throw rocks at them and tell them we are doing it in the name of Jesus?

1:22 pm  

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